Look... it look nice and stuff and yea it's cool but one thing you totally ripped this of wall-e .. so.. a 6/10 3/5
Look... it look nice and stuff and yea it's cool but one thing you totally ripped this of wall-e .. so.. a 6/10 3/5
I like the style
madness is cool and so is this!
the whole other style you use is just freakin awesome.. because everybody uses the graphics from krinkels.. the gray + faces etc.
but you have more the whole xionic stuff inside <3
I like the first one on the madness day.. and seriously this one is also great!
when your done with this vid. hope you make a whole other madness flash with new ideas.. ^-^
cya! 5/5 10/10
how do you do it?
seriously.. only the IDEA! :P
I like spongebob a while ago.. but now it's so anoying.. :P and then I saw this..
hahahahah kinda like the whole anti anti-spongebob <3
awesome idea.. nice story damn g00d animated :P 10/10 5/5
but I hate it to say.. but the speed of the shootin sounds.. where crap.. even with meduim graphics.. and I have a badass PC <3.. so.. I giv it a 9 <(o.~<)
I just don't know.. dude.. the storyline is ..eh.. ? next year ?
and eh.. it's too short and why you even come up with the idea .. this isn't the true feeling of the celebration of clockday 2008 .. ffs.. *-*
skittles is the MAN!
probably the best private of the badass team <3
'hey I'm gonna be a dead!'
skittles: 'Not anymore .. BITCH !'
awesome <3 truly love all of your tankman flash.. on of the best goods on NG
everything is so nice animated.. !! love the sprite and sonic work here!
and OMG the easter egg with tails F*CKIN awesome!!
eh.. ?
jesus don't use violent.. and omg.. a huge robot ? so totally seen it on about 10000000 flashes and movies... -_-.. and the whole art style is a bit below average.. so.. why you come with this weird idea ?
yea... it's fun if you like tho watch the same sh*t again and again and ffs AGAIN!!!
the first 3 times.. and then it begins to burn your freakin ears of your head man... HOLY SH*T!! I give it a 6.. and how the hell is this tha nr. 1 on the flash scorez...?
damn potheads around here... >.<
very rare on NG
this skills of flash are rare... VERY rare!! this is just g*ddamn g00d made.. you can search all day too find such awesomeness as this on NG
and idd it has no plot but whatever.... the graphics KICKED ASS!
Die hard ロリコン and musician. Ex-military. May or may not go back.
Age 34, Male
Joined on 5/7/06